NEOMEGA HAS an excellent reputation for its resin aftermarket accessories, and its first kit – depicting a 1957 Trans-Antarctic Expedition Tractor – is of similar quality.

This 1/35 scale resin and photo-etched (PE) brass ensemble comes with a clear acetate sheet, lengths of brass wire and styrene rod, plus a section of felt, all designed to produce an accurate replica of the vehicle that crossed Antarctica in 1957-58. The vehicle’s rugged shape is captured faithfully, with PE track end plates (running gear covers are cast integrally with the ‘caterpillar’ sections). There’s a spartan interior, just like the real vehicle, and the exposed transmission units are supplied as separate five-piece sub-assemblies. Any of the three vehicles involved in this journey can be modelled, and Neomega has included a four-part figure, posed as if standing next to the vehicle, plus two Adele penguins.

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