St Pankraz in Steirmark

Gauge: 'HO' | Region: Austria | Period: 1980s-present day | Operating team: Mike Upton and friends

St Pankraz in Steirmark HO scale Austrian layout

St Pankraz in Steiermark is the terminus of a branch line in the Steiermark region of Austria. Trains on the line are operated by the Austrian Federal Railways (OBB) or the private Steiermarkische Landesbahnen (StLB). Traffic consists mainly of wood trains serving the local timber industry with additional freight consisting of tankers supplying heating oil to the local population and vans to the goods shed.

Passenger trains are in the hands of DMUs, railcars or hauled stock. The branch is also popular with rail tour operators which frequently visit, bringing an interesting variety of steam locomotives to the line.

St Pankraz in Steirmark HO scale Austrian layout

The 'HO' gauge layout is set in a broad time period from the mid 1980s to the present day. The last of the summer has gone and autumn is giving us its colourful display. Soon the area will see the first frosts of winter, but for now, under a cloudless sky, the station basks in the warmth of the late October sun.

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