Back to Basics

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Tools of the Trade

Following several reader questions, AMW editor Stu Fone offers the first in a series of instructional articles aimed at novice modellers or those returning to the hobby.

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Weather beaten

If decals can be said to enliven a model, then weathering is the way in which builders add ‘character’ by varying the finish to represent the effects of climate and/or usage.

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Marvellous Markings

Decals can supply the finishing touch to a project. Here we offer advice on how to get the best from kit markings.

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Bring on the brush!

Painting can be one of the most rewarding aspects of a build, with the potential to transform a monotone model into a technicolour delight.

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Smooth building

One of the first steps taken by a modeller when advancing from ‘building for fun’ to more complex projects is the elimination of joins/seams. Here we examine how to achieve this.

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Let there be light!

This month we look at how to enhance the moulded detail on cockpit interiors via dry-brushing techniques and dark-toned washes, with the adage ‘less is more’ being a key rule of thumb.

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Colour Dilemmas

One of the most common questions posed to Airfix Model World concerns when to start adding paint to a model. As this month’s Back to Basics reveals, there’s no simple answer.

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The First Cuts

In this month’s Back to Basics, we look at the first stages of building, namely getting the parts off the runner and ready for assembly/painting.