GWR 64XX 0-6-0PT

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Bachmann’s ‘64XX’ for 'OO' gauge

Is it just another ‘Pannier’ or something totally different? MIKE WILD runs the rule over Bachmann’s ‘OO’ gauge model of the GWR ‘64XX’ 0-6-0PT.

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Weathering a GWR '64XX' 0-6-0PT

TIM SHACKLETON gives the Bachmann 'OO' gauge ‘64XX’ 0-6-0PT a convincing oily rag finish that recaptures childhood memories.

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The GWR ‘64XX’0-6-0PTs

The Great Western stood alone amongst the railways of the British Isles in its widespread use of ‘Pannier’ tank locomotives. EVAN GREEN-HUGHES takes a close look at the ‘64XXs’, and finds out what made this small class different from the rest.