Model Railway video series

Key Model World is home to exclusive video series released every eight weeks each year. Produced exclusively for Key Model World, subjects including our £500 Layout Challenge, the Making of Making Tracks, Digital Sound, Weathering techniques, Building a TT:120 scale layout, Building a Diesel Depot and more! Look out for new series right here and sign up to your newsletter to make sure you don't miss an episode.

SERIES 9: The £500 Layout Challenge

SERIES 9: The £500 Layout Challenge I Part One

Watch from 7pm Friday July 19! Is it possible to build a model railway for £500? The team at Hornby Magazine think you can and take on the challenge in our brand-new series.

Watch all of Series 9 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 8: Digital Sound Introduction

NEW SERIES 8: Digital Sound Introduction | Part One

Launching today at 8pm today - March 8 2024 - is our brand-new video series offering an introduction to the world of Digital Sound for model railways. In this new four part series, we will explore what digital sound has to offer and how to install and use decoders from Hornby, ZIMO and ESU.

Watch all of Series 8 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 7: The Making of Making Tracks

NEW SERIES: Making Tracks 3 - On Location

In this brand-new Key Model World video series we go behind the scenes to reveal the construction process of Making Tracks 3 from Pete Waterman and the Railnuts leading to the 152ft long Grand Challenge layout at the 2023 Great Electric Train Show. Join us for Part One as we go on location at Milton Keynes Central station.

Watch all of Series 7 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 6: Building a TT:120 scale model railway

NEW SERIES: Building a TT:120 Model Railway | PART ONE

Part one of our brand-new modelling series is available now! In this new series we tackle construction of a 'TT:120' scale model railway using the latest products for this new scale in the British modelling market, starting with construction of the baseboards, platforms and laying the track.

Watch all of Series 6 today on Key Model World.



NEW SERIES: 1960s Weathering, Part One | Goods Wagons

Welcome to a brand-new series from Key Model World covering weathering techniques for 1960s era goods wagons, passenger rolling stock and locomotives. In Part One - FREE on Key Model World - we show you how to weather mineral, bolster and tank wagons in this detailed step by step video as we start our journey into the world of weathering.

Watch all of Series 5 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 4: This is Flying Scotsman


NEW SERIES! Join us for the first of a new four-part series featuring the National Collection’s legendary Gresley ‘A3’ 4-6-2 Flying Scotsman – a cinematic journey from Keighley to Oxenhope.

Watch all of Series 4 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 3: Building a Diesel Depot

VIDEO: Building a Diesel Depot - PART ONE

Join us for the first part of our brand-new video series - Building a Diesel Depot - with special bonus behind the scenes images on Key Model World. Sign up with a Key Model World account, for free, for your opportunity to get more behind the scenes insight on the build.

Watch all of Series 3 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 2: Building the Great Central Railway

VIDEO: Building the Great Central Railway - Episode three

In Episode 3 of building the Great Central Railway Mike Wild and Richard Watson continue on their journey of building a brand new model railway in 'OO' gauge. This time focusing on all things scenery from track weathering to expanding foam and the fine details. Watch Episode 3 here to see how we tackle the scenics.

VIDEO: Building the Great Central Railway - Episode two

In Episode 2 of building the Great Central Railway Mike Wild and Richard Watson continue development of our brand new model railway layout. This time the team are focusing on all things track, from laying Peco's bullhead flexible track to wiring and baseboard joints. Watch Episode 2 here to see how we get trains running.

Watch all of Series 2 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 1: Building the Ffestiniog Railway