If you’re tackling the Fairy Gannet in scale form and need references, the book by 4+ Publications is a must for modellers, as CHRIS CLIFFORD discovers.


Regardless of scale, the Fairey Gannet is a fascinating subject and there has been a reasonable number of kits produced. Revell issued a rather good 1/72 anti-submarine warfare (ASW) variant tooling in 2007, which was a world away from the vintage FROG kit, while Sword released a same-scale styrene rendering of the portly AEW.3 in 2015. Trumpeter issued its own Gannets in 1/72 too. However, in 1/48 scale, modellers had to soldier on with Classic Airframes’ short-run ASW boxing until the rise of Airfix’s classy new-tool AS.1/AS.4 last year (see a full build here). And Sword is slated to release a 1/48 AEW.3 later this year.

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