Model Railway video series

Key Model World is home to exclusive video series released every eight weeks each year. Produced exclusively for Key Model World, subjects including our £500 Layout Challenge, the Making of Making Tracks, Digital Sound, Weathering techniques, Building a TT:120 scale layout, Building a Diesel Depot and more! Look out for new series right here and sign up to your newsletter to make sure you don't miss an episode.

SERIES 9: The £500 Layout Challenge

VIDEO: The £500 Layout Challenge | Part Four

The fourth and final part of our £500 Layout Challenge series is here. Can the team deliver a working and scenic model railway for £500 or less? Sign in or sign up now to watch the fourth part of our new series to find out.

SERIES 9: The £500 Layout Challenge I Part Three

Part Three of our new £500 layout challenge is here - and is available exclusively to Key Model World Premium subscribers. Join us to watch the next installment as we tackle the challenge of making building on a budget.

SERIES 9: The £500 Layout Challenge I Part Two

In the second part of our new challenge series, we continue the project as we build our brand-new laser-cut modular platform kits and install them on the layout and add the ballast to start it on its scenic journey. Watch today with a Freemium (free member) account exclusively on Key Model World.

Watch all of Series 9 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 8: Digital Sound Introduction

SERIES 8: Digital Sound - installing ESU LokSound chips

The fourth part of our new Digital Sound video series is here focusing on ESU LokSound decoders. In this part we had sound to a Bachmann 'OO9' Mainline Hunslet, a Dapol Class 68 and a Bachmann BR '5MT' 4-6-0. Discover how we completed the installations here.

SERIES 8 Part 3: Digital Sound - installing ZIMO chips

Part 3 of our new digital sound video series is available now exclusively for Premium Subscribers. In this video we show how the ZIMO decoder family can be installed in a Bachmann Class 40 and a Hornby '9F' 2-10-0 with simple tools and readily available speakers.

SERIES 8: Digital Sound - installing Hornby TXS chips

In part two of our Digital Sound video series we start our trilogy of sound installation features by working with the new Hornby Bluetooth Triplex Sound chips. In this video we show how to add an 8-pin chip to a Hornby Class 60, a 21-pin chip to the LMS 'Turbomotive' and a Next18 chip to a TT:120 scale 'A4' 4-6-2 taking you through every step of the journey. Watch today with a FREE member account exclusively on Key Model World.

Watch all of Series 8 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 7: The Making of Making Tracks

SERIES 7, EP4: Making Tracks - The Grand Challenge

In the fourth and final part of our Making Tracks 3 video series, we delve into the story of the Grand Challenge at the Great Electric Train Show when Pete Waterman and the Railnuts created a record breaking 152ft long 'OO' gauge model railway.

SERIES 7, EP3: Making Tracks 3 - On Show

Part 3 of our Making Tracks 3 video series is here. Join us as we follow the installation process at Chester Cathedral and it operation across the summer. Watch the trailer for FREE and sign up for a Premium subscriber account to gain full access to the 50 minutes feature video.

SERIES 7, EPISODE 2: Making Tracks 3 - Construction

In part two of our new video series we focus on construction of the layout at the Making Tracks Workshop as Pete and the team take on the challenges of building a scale model of a real station in the present day. Sign up for a FREE member account today to watch Part Two exclusively on Key Model World.

Watch all of Series 7 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 6: Building a TT:120 scale model railway

VIDEO: Building a TT:120 Model Railway Part Four | Detailing

In the fourth and final part of our brand-new Building a TT:120 Model Railway we focus on adding detail to the layout including figures, fencing, bushes, track weathering and more. Part four is available exclusively to Key Model World Subscribers. Watch the trailer below and sign up to watch the full series.

VIDEO: Building a TT:120 Model Railway Part Three | Ground cover

Exclusive to Key Model World Premium Subscribers, the third-part of our new series following construction of our new 'TT:120' scale layout Twelvemill Bridge is a detailed look at ground cover. Join the team to find out how they transform the bare landscape.

Building a TT:120 Model Railway Part Two | Landscaping

Part Two of our new Building a 'TT:120' Model Railway is out now. In this episode we focus on ballasting the track and building the landscape to prepare the layout for its scenic ground cover in Part Three. Watch it today for FREE when you sign up for a free Member account.

Watch all of Series 6 today on Key Model World.



VIDEO: 1960s Weathering Part Four | Diesel Locomotives

In the fourth part of our weathering series, Mike Wild and Jonathan Newton select a pair of classic diesels to give the new Heljan NBL prototype 10800 and a Bachmann Sulzer Type 2 a full weathered finish.

VIDEO: 1960s Weathering Part Three | Carriages

In the third instalment of our latest video series, we move on to weather a set of Bachmann BR Mk 1s in carmine and cream livery with an authentic 1960s finish.

VIDEO: 1960s Weathering Part Two | Steam Locomotives

In part two of our 1960s weathering series, we go to town on a pair of Hornby BR '9F' 2-10-0s as we create different weathered finishes for a BR Standard and Crosti locomotive using readily available Lifecolor acrylic paints and introduce airbrushing techniques. Watch now for free when you sign up for a free member account.

Watch all of Series 5 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 4: This is Flying Scotsman

VIDEO: A day in the life of Flying Scotsman | Part Four

We go behind the scenes in the final part of our Flying Scotsman series to discover what it takes to maintain and operate the world's most famous steam locomotive during its visit to the Keighley and Worth Valley Railway in May 2023.

VIDEO: An evening with Flying Scotsman | Part Three

In the third part of our new series about the world’s most famous steam locomotive, we feature presentations from former owner Pete Waterman OBE as well as Riley and Son Engineering’s Director Colin Green to discover more about Flying Scotsman’s story and its resurrection.

VIDEO: Flying Scotsman – up close and personal | Part Two

In the second part of our brand-new series for the centenary of the world's most famous steam locomotive - Gresley 'A3' 4-6-2 60103 Flying Scotsman - we get up close and personal with the locomotive. Log in or sign up for a Freemium account to watch the full video today.

Watch all of Series 4 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 3: Building a Diesel Depot

VIDEO: Building a Diesel Depot - PART FOUR

Part four of our diesel depot video series is here as we take the layout another step forward with the installation of DCC Concepts ground signals, Layout 4U yard lights and full interior lighting in the main depot buildings to bring the scene to life. Join us for part four today.

VIDEO: Building a Diesel depot - PART THREE

Part 3 of our Building a Diesel Depot video series is here. In this part we continue by adding the backscenes, building up the ground cover, adding the finer details and introducing the first collection of rolling stock to adorn Natford TMD for its debut at Model Rail Scotland.

VIDEO: Building a Diesel Depot - PART TWO

Part two of our Building a Diesel Depot video series is here! In this episode we begin the process of scenery with the addition of ballast, hard standing around the depot, the first layers of ground cover and the beginnings of the scenic break. Sign up for a FREE Key Model World account for full access.

Watch all of Series 3 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 2: Building the Great Central Railway

VIDEO: GCR cab ride with 37714 

With the arrival of the new Accurascale Class 37, we take you into the cab of GCR based 37714 to experience the journey from Leicester-Loughborough in the cab on Britain’s only preserved double track main line.

VIDEO: Building the Great Central Railway – Part 5

In the fifth installment of our Building the Great Central Railway video series MIKE WILD installs the missing piece to complete the scenic area: the reservoir bridge

VIDEO: Building the Great Central Railway - Episode 4

Episode 4 of the Building the Great Central Railway video series is here. Join Mike and Richard as they delve into the details of Swithland Sidings, explain how it was built, its features, rolling stock and operation in this 40 minute video. Watch it today exclusively on KeyModelWorld.

Watch all of Series 2 today on Key Model World.


SERIES 1: Building the Ffestiniog Railway


Scenic modelling is one of the most enjoyable and creative parts of a model railway. MIKE WILD gets to grips with the landscape for the new ‘OO9’ narrow gauge layout in our second and final feature including the first chance to watch our brand new feature video.


The arrival of Bachmann’s new ‘OO9’ Double Fairlie 0-4-4-0T put MIKE WILD’S modelling mind into overdrive resulting in a new project entering the works with a Ffestiniog theme.